Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Break has started

Today we only had a few kids. So we listened to Christmas music and put up our Christmas tree and decorations. After we were done we rewarded our hard work with a little movie, Frozen. :) 
Great day to start our four day weekend all while wearing our comfy pj's. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pumpkin Play Doh

Today we made Pumpkin play doh. Each of the kids had to use pictures to measure ingredients into a bowl and then mix it up. First they put in a can of pumpkin. Then for flavor and smell they added in pumpkin spice. To make it thick like play doh they added cornstarch. When they were done they could try it before playing with it. I personally thought it was gross but a few of the kids tried to eat their whole bag. We will play with it again tomorrow and then it will have to get thrown away because the cornstarch will dry it out. 


This week we have been talking about Thanksgiving and what makes us Thankful. On Monday we talked about the pilgrims coming to America on the Mayflower. Tuesday we talked about the Indians and Pilgrims sitting down for the first thanksgiving together. Today we talked about the foods we eat during thanksgiving dinner. For art today we made the Mayflower using our handprints.