Monday, February 29, 2016

Cat in the Hat

This week we are talking about Dr. Seuss and all the popular books he has written. On Friday we will end our week with a Dr. Seuss birthday. We will be celebrating his birthday with a Dr. Seuss theme. We will play games, do a craft, eat snacks and lunch that with a theme and end the day with The Grinch. We will also be enjoying the day in our pajama's. Today we read the book the Cat in the Hat.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

God's Promise

Today we talked about the rainbow God promised Noah and his family after the flood.
He set the rainbow in the sky and said this will be the sign of the promise I have made with you and all creatures, never again to destroy the earth by a flood. So for art today we made rainbows after the long storm.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Noah built an Ark

This week we are learning about Noah and the Ark. Today we talked about the reason why Noah built the ark. Because God had told him he was going to flood the land and the only way for Noah and his family to survive was to build an ark. He also told him to fill the ark with different animals. Two of each kind, a female and male.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Take me out to the ball game....

Today was talked about baseball/t-ball/softball. We sang the song "Take me out to the Ball Game" and made a list of yummy treats that are popular to eat during the ball game.