Friday, May 16, 2014


For a treat today Ms. Michelle let each of the kids have a graduation cookie after lunch. (Right before nap). The kids were all tired during the morning so I didn't think it would affect them much. Apparently I was wrong!! I admit I lost control of my classroom for 10 minutes. I thought I was taking a video so I could upload it and show the affects of sugar to 12 kids but I was so busy trying to stop them from giving piggy back rides, jumping on each other and screaming I forgot to switch the iPad to video instead of photo. So I decided to still share the photos with you all. They are blurry and all over the place but that is exactly how I could describe the 10 minute sugar rush!! I thought nap was going to be a breeze today getting them all to lay down in their pajamas and nap but it has been 40 minutes now and they are still messing around and twitching when I turn my back. So never again will we be eating a treat before nap, no matter how tired they are! :) it was a great lesson for me and a great memory!!!

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