Wednesday, January 28, 2015


This week the kids are reviewing their Shapes and Colors. On Monday they each got a plain piece of paper and practiced drawing shapes. Then on Tuesday they got to cut shapes our and put them on a house. (ex. the squares were made into windows and rectangles were cut out and put where the door should go) Today we made cool scary Shape Monsters. They were so creative and turned out awesome!
We are also learning the letter S this week. The kids are coming up with S words left and right. We have already filled up 3 pages.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Baby Dino's!

We finished our fun dinosaur week talking about baby dinosaurs and how they are hatched from eggs. For a science project this week Miss Ashley and Miss Melissa made eggs using the ingredients- baking soda, olive oil and citric acid. Inside the eggs we placed a variety of baby dinosaurs. Each kid got an egg and when they added water to the egg it would start fizzing and dissolve, revealing the baby dinosaur inside. Also to go with the baby theme for art we made baby dinosaur pictures hatching from colorful eggs. 

Happy 5th Birthday to Jacob!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dinosaurs used to live in our backyard!

Today we discussed possible reasons why dinosaurs became instinct. We also talked about what our world would be like if we shared it with dinosaurs.