Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Last Supper

Today Miss Mandy was here and taught the kids about the Last Supper. Each child got to wear a cloth and dress up. Then Miss Mandy picked a child from each class and demonstrated how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples before the supper. She also explained how Jesus was showing his disciples how much he loved them. After she was finished they all sat down at the table and talked about the last meal. They each had bread and "wine" (grape juice because wine is for big people) to drink. It was a great way to physically show the kids what Passover and Easter is about.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Three Wooden Crosses

This week we are talking about the meaning of Easter. Today we read the book "The Miracle of Easter". It talked about Jesus being betrayed by a greedy man and then being hung on a cross. It also talked about two other men who were also punished with Jesus and each of them hung on a cross beside Jesus. For art today we painted a colorful back round and put three crosses on the front. Miss Mandy will be coming by tomorrow to talk to the kids about the Last Supper Jesus had before his death.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Today for weather we read a book "Listen to the Rain". It was about all the different sounds that are made when it rains. For art we made umbrella's and raindrops. For our ABC review worksheets today the kids had to fill in all the upper case letters in the alphabet order. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hot Air!

In our Classroom today we read a book "Gilbert and the Wind". It was about a little boy who wanted to do so many things outside but with the wind he just could not do anything without it being ruined. For art we had fun drawing with wind. We used a blank piece of paper and put four different kinds of paint on it. Then using a straw we blew the paint around and created a masterpiece. Many of the kids loved it and said it was so much fun (very messy-but well worth it).